Surgery | About us

About us

Dr. Javier Luis Rossi

Specialist in plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Specialist in head and neck surgery, and maxillofacial surgery.

His intense experience, his ability to work with a broad variety of techniques and his vast anatomical knowledge make him the ideal surgeon to perform facial feminization surgery, in which it’s necessary to combine drastic alterations of the facial skeleton with subtle cosmetic procedures, while keeping the harmony and proportions of the facial features. Dr. Rossi is known for obtaining natural and balanced results through aggressive surgical approaches.

Physician (Graduated with the best grade point average, 9,20, and summa cum laude at the University of Buenos Aires, 1999)
Specialist in plastic, reconstructive and esthetic surgery, Universidad del Salvador.
Specialist in head and neck surgery and maxilofacial surgery, University of Buenos Aires
Specialist in thoracoscopic, laparoscopic and minimally-invasive surgery, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste.
Specialist in emergentology and trauma, Asociación Médica Argentina
National License 103.864 Provincial Licence 331597

Professional background:
Hospital Militar Central: Chief of the Department of Surgery. Chief of the department of head and neck surgery and reconstructive facial surgery.
Sanatorio Finochietto: Head and neck surgeon and maxilofacial surgeon
Clínica del Buen Pastor: Head and neck surgeon and maxilofacial surgeon. Plastic surgeon.
Swiss Medical Group: Plastic surgeon. Head and neck surgeon and maxilofacial surgeon. General surgeon.
OSDE (health insurance): Plastic surgeon. Head and neck surgeon and maxilofacial surgeon. General surgeon.
Medifé (health insurance): Plastic surgeon. Head and neck surgeon and maxilofacial surgeon. General surgeon.
Médicus (health insurance): Plastic surgeon. Head and neck surgeon and maxilofacial surgeon. General surgeon.
Femédica ((health insurance): Plastic surgeon. Head and neck surgeon and maxilofacial surgeon. General surgeon.
Obra Social del Servicio Penitenciario Federal (SPF), Obra Social de Docentes Privados (OSDoP), Obra Social Yacimientos Carboníferos (OSYC), Instituto de Obra Social de las Fuerzas Armadas (IOSFA): Plastic surgeon. Head and neck surgeon and maxilofacial surgeon. General surgeon.

Hospital Militar Central: Chief of the department of head and neck and maxillofacial surgery. Second chief of general surgery.
Clínica De Los Virreyes: General surgeron. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Cirujano general. Plastic/Plastic/reconstructive surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Sanatorio Colegiales: Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon. Plastic/Plastic/reconstructive surgeon.
Clínica San Camilo: Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Sanatorio Privado del Centro: Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Clínica Del Buen Pastor: Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Clínica San Camilo: Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Sanatorio Los Arcos: Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Femédica: Cirujano General. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon. Plastic/Plastic/reconstructive surgeon.
IOMA: Plastic and maxilofacial surgeon.
OSDE: General surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon. Plastic/reconstructive surgeon.
Medifé: General surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon. Plastic/reconstructive surgeon.
Swiss Medical Group: Head and neck surgeon. Plastic surgeon.
Obra Social del Servicio Penitenciario Federal (SPF). Plastic and maxilofacial surgeon.

Hospital Militar Central: Chief of the department of head and neck and maxillofacial surgery. Second chief of general surgery.
Clínica De Los Virreyes: General surgeron. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon. Plastic/reconstructive surgeon.
Sanatorio Colegiales: Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon. Plastic/reconstructive surgeon.
Clínica San Camilo: Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Sanatorio Privado del Centro: Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Clínica Del Buen Pastor: Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Femédica: General surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon. Plastic/reconstructive surgeon.
IOMA: Plastic and maxilofacial surgeon
OSDE: General surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon. Plastic/reconstructive surgeon.
Obra Social del Servicio Penitenciario Federal (SPF): Plastic and maxilofacial surgery
Medifé: General surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon. Plastic/reconstructive surgeon.

Hospital Militar Central: Chief of the department of head and neck surgery. On-call availability at the department of General Surgery.
Clinica Provincial de Merlo: General surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Clínica De Los Virreyes: Plastic/reconstructive surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Sanatorio Colegiales: Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon. Plastic/reconstructive surgeon.
Sanatorio 24 de septiembre: Coordinator of plastic surgery.
Femédica: General surgeon and Head and neck and maxilofacial surgeon
IOMA: Plastic and maxillofacial surgeon.
Obra Social del Servicio Penitanciario Nacional (SPF): Plastic and maxillofacial surgeon.

Hospital Militar Central: Head and neck surgeon. General surgeon. On-call availability at the department of General Surgery.
Clinica Provincial de Merlo: General surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Clinica Libertad de Merlo: Plastic/reconstructive surgeon.
Sanatorio Los Arcos: General surgeon.
Clínica De Los Virreyes: Plastic/reconstructive surgeon.
Clínica De Los Virreyes: General surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Sanatorio Colegiales: General surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon. Plastic/reconstructive surgeon.
Sanatorio 24 de septiembre: Coordinator of plastic surgery.
Femédica: General surgeon and Head and neck and maxilofacial surgeon.
IOMA: Plastic and maxillofacial surgeon.
Obra Social del Servicio Penitanciario Nacional (SPF): Plastic and maxillofacial surgeon.

Hospital Militar Central: Head and neck surgeon. General surgeon. On-call availability at the department of General Surgery.
Clinica Provincial de Merlo: General surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Clinica Libertad de Merlo: Plastic/reconstructive surgeon.
Sanatorio Los Arcos: General surgeon.
Clínica de Los Virreyes: Plastic/reconstructive surgeon. General surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Sanatorio Colegiales: Plastic/reconstructive surgeon. General surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Sanatorio 24 de septiembre: Coordinator of plastic surgery.
Femédica: General surgeon and Head and neck and maxilofacial surgeon.
IOMA: Plastic and maxillofacial surgeon.
SPF: Plastic and maxillofacial surgeon.

Hospital Militar Central: Head and neck surgeon. General surgeon.
Ezeiza international Airport: Coordinator of the service of emergencies.
Instituto Biomédico: Member of the professorship of surgery.
Sanatorio Franchin: Plastic surgeon.
Clìnica Provincial de Merlo: General surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Clinica Libertad de Merlo: Plastic/reconstructive surgeon
Sanatorio Colegiales: General surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo General San Martín: Chief of the department of health.
Femédica: General surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Sanatorio Los Arcos: General surgeon.

Hospital Militar Central: Head and neck surgeon. General surgeon. On-call availability at the department of General Surgery.
Clinica Quirúrgica de la Unión: Chief of the department of Surgery. Medical coordinator of clinical surgical hospitalization.
Clínica Malvinas de San Martín: Surgeon.
Obra social del personal de seguridad (OSPSIP): General surgeon. Head and neck and maxillofacial surgeon.
Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo General San Martín: Chief of the department of Health.
Ezeiza International Airport: Coordinator of the service of emergencies.
Sanatorio Colegiales: General surgeon
Instituto Biomédico: Member of the professorship of surgery.

Hospital Militar Central: Chief of residents at the department of General Surgery. On-call availability at the department of General Surgery. Head and neck surgeon.
Hospital Mercante de José C. Paz: On-duty replacement of General surgery
Empresas Vittal: Home visiting assistance.
Clínica Quirúrgica de la Unión: Surgeon of the staff.
Clínica Malvinas de San Martín: Surgeon of the staff.
Hospital Israelita de Buenos Aires: On-duty surgeon. Head and neck surgeon. General surgeon of the staff.
Obra Social del Personal de Seguridad (OSPSIP): General surgeon. Head and neck surgeon.
HOMI Medicina Prepaga: General surgeon. Head and neck surgeon.
Isramed, Medicina Prepaga del Hospital Israelita: General surgeon. Head and neck surgeon.

Hospital Militar Central: Chief of residents at the department of General Surgery. On-call availability at the department of General Surgery.
Empresa de ambulancias Vittal: Home visiting assistance.

Hospital Militar Central: Resident physician at the department of General Surgery.
Empresa de ambulancias Vittal: Home visiting assistance.
Instituto Oncológico Miguel Angel Roffo: Rotation at the department of Head and Neck surgery.

Hospital Militar Central: Resident physician at the department of General Surgery.
Empresa Vittal: Home visiting assistance.

Hospital Militar Central: Resident physician at the department of Emergencies. Resident physician at the department of General Surgery.

Hospital Militar Central: internship rotation at the department of general surgery. Rotation at the department of Emergencies.
Hospital Domingo Mercante de José C. Paz: On-duty at General Surgery.

Membership at medical associations:
Asociación Argentina de Cirugía (AAC): Active Member. Member of the Comité Colegio.
Academia Nacional de Medicina: Surgeon member.
Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología: Active member
Asociación Médica Argentina (AMA): Adherent member
Sociedad Latinoamericana de Cardiología Intervencionista (SOLACI): Adherent member.
Asociación Rioplatense de Anatomía: Adherent member

Main publications and presentations:
Estudio Comparativo de los métodos diagnósticos en el Nódulo Tiroideo. Award to the best scientific work, Asociación Médica Argentina, 2002
Presentación de caso clínico, cáncer de fosa nasal, presented at thes Jornadas de Cirugía General de Mendoza, May of 2004.
Presentación de caso clínico, cáncer facial, presented at the Jornadas de Cirugía General de Mendoza, May of 2004.
Cirugía Comando de Cabeza y Cuello. Nuestra Experiencia, presented at the Congreso Argentino de Cirugía, Sheraton Hotel, Buenos Aires. Award from the Hospital Militar Central to the best scientific work, 2004
Reconstrucción oromandibular con colgajo microvascularizado de peroné en el osteo sarcoma de mandíbula. Nuestra Experiencia, presented at the Jornadas de Cirugía General de Mendoza, 2004
Cirugía Mínimamente invasiva en el Hiperparatiroidismo, presented at the Congreso Sociedad de Sanidad de Fuerzas Armadas SASFA. Winner of the “Armada Argentina” award, 2004
Hemangioma cavernoso de región fronto orbitaria, exeresis y reparación plástica con colgajos. Nuestra experiencia, presented at the Congreso Sociedad de Fuerzas Armadas SASFA, 2006
Carcinoma Epidermoide de región fronto naso orbitaria, exéresis y reconstrucción plastica con colgajos. Nuestra experiencia, presented at the Congreso Argentino de Cirugía, Sheraton Hotel, Buenos Aires, October of 2006.
Reconstrucción oromandibular con colgajo microvascularizado de perone en el osteo sarcoma de mandibula. Nuestra Experiencia, presentado en el Congreso Argentino de Cirugía, Sheraton Hotel, Buenos Aires, October of 2006.
Fracturas panfaciales traumáticas. Nuestra experiencia, presented at the Congreso Argentino de Cirugía, Sheraton Hotel, Buenos Aires, 2008
Fibroma Cemento Osificante Mandibular, presented at the Congreso Argentino de Cirugía, Sheraton Hotel, Buenos Aires, 2010
Cirugía Ortognática, Nuestra experiencia, presented at the Congreso Argentino de Cirugía, Sheraton Hotel, Buenos Aires, 2011
Resolución de Metástasis Cervical Gigante de Carcinoma Basocelular de labio. Presentación de Caso clínico, presented at the Congreso Argentino de Cirugía, Sheraton Hotel, Buenos Aires, 2011

Awards and mentions:
Second Prize at the XI Congreso Panamericano de Anatomía Dr. Rafael Perez Clavier, Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Mérida, Venezuela, for the presentation of his work Vascularización del nódulo aurículo-ventricular cardíaco, October of1995.
Graduated summa cum laude at the University of Buenos Aires for best grade point average of 9,20, 1999)
Summa cum laude for best grade point average among all health services (Medicine, Dentistry, Biochemistry, Pharmacy), 2000
Third place in order of general merit at graduation, year 2000
Instituto Sanmartiniano Award, 2000
Award of Dirección de Sanidad for the highest point average among health officers, 2000
San Lucas Evangelista award for the highest point average among the residents of the Hospital Militar Central, 2001
Award to the best scientific work from Asociación Médica Argentina, for his work Estudio Comparativo de los métodos diagnósticos en el Nódulo Tiroideo, 2002
Award to the scientific merit for his performance during the yearly course Investigación en Medicina- Asociación Médica Argentina, 2002
SASFA award to the best resident’s work, subject: Hiperparatiroidismo. Factores que determinan la Cirugía. Mar del Plata, 2003
Scholarship Estímulo a la Productividad Científica en Medicina, given by the Asociación Médica Argentina and Fundación Fiorini: Travel to the Naval Medical Center, Washington,USA (Department of General Surgery) and to the headquarters of PAHO (Pan Anerican Health Organization), June of 2004
Prize from the Hospital Militar Central to the best scientific work for Cirugía Comando de Cabeza y Cuello. Nuestra Experiencia, 2004
“Armada Argentina” award, given by SASFA (Sociedad Argentina de Sanidad de las Fuerzas Armadas) to his work Cirugía Mínimamente invasiva en el hiperparatiroidismo. Mar del Plata, November of 2004.

Dr. Angel Appiani

Specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery

Specialist in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery.
Staff member at the department of Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery at the Central Military Hospital of Buenos Aires
National License 101.056
Provincial License 446.937

Professional background
2006 to present

Hospital Militar Central: Staff member at the department of Plastic Surgery.

2001 a 2003
Hospital Municipal de Morón: On-duty surgeon.

1999 –2002
Hospital Zonal General de Agudos “General Manuel Belgrano”– San Martín District, Buenos Aires province: Medical attachment with same curricular program as professional residences at the specialty of surgical clinic.

2000 - 2005
Drs. Roque Salas and Gonzalo Delía: member of the surgical team of coloproctology and general surgery

1997 - 1998
Hospital de Tigre: Emergency room attendance

1995 – 1997
Hospital Finochietto: Emergency room attendance

1987 – 2004
Clínica Appiani de Cirugía Plástica y Estética: Medical attachment in surgical interventions

International Fellowships
University of Alabama at Birmingham (U.S.A). Division of Plastic Surgery. Invited by Dr. Luis O. Vasconez. January and February 2006

Teaching activities
For the specialization in plastic surgery master’s degree course

Lecturer on “Breast implants through armpit approach”. Asociación Médica Argentina and Sociedad Argentina de Cirugía Plástica, Estética y Reparadora. August 2010.

For the career of Medicine:
Paid teaching assistant.
University of Buenos Aires, School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy. First professorship Prof. Dr. Luis N. Ferreira. 1996 - 1999

For the pre degree of paramedic careers:
Colaborator at the Anatomy subject at the School of Podiatry, with final tests.
University of Buenos Aires, School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy. First professorship Prof. Dr. Luis N. Ferreira. 1995 - 1998.

For the pre degree of the career of Medicine:
Practical work board assistant
University of Buenos Aires, School of Medicine, department of Anatomy. First proffesorship Profesor Dr. Luis N. Ferreira. 1996 - 1997
Activities: Supervision of practical work. Mid-term and re-take exams. Theoretical classes. Seminars of neuroanatomy.

School of assistants:
University of Buenos Aires, School of medicine, Department of Anatomy. First professorship Prof. Dr. Luis N Ferreira. 1995
Activities: Cadaveric material disection. Teaching activity supervised in practical work board. Taking of theoretical-practical exams. Bibliographic research work.

Publicaciones y presentaciones destacadas:
Liposucción ultrasónica de tercera generación, presented at11 Congresso Internazionale SIES. Novitá e aggiornamenti in tema di medicina, chirurgia e odontoiatria estética. Bologna, Italia, February 2008.
Uso de los músculos esqueléticos con fines estéticos, in Coiffman de Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética, volume II; Prof. Dr. Felipe Coiffman. Main Co-author. 2006
Cirugía de las glándulas salivales, in Coiffman de Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética, Volume III; Prof. Dr. Felipe Coiffman. Main co-author. 2006.
Problema case: Manejo de paciente poliescarado, presented at II Curso intensivo para médicos en formación en Cirugía Plástica Estética y Reparadora “Dr. José M. Robles”. Buenos Aires, October 2003
Problema case: Osteomielitis de tercio superior de la pierna. Colgajo muscular puro de gemelo interno. Presented at V Jornadas Interuniversitarias de Cirugía Plástica in homage to Prof. Dr. Jack Davis. Ciudad de Córdoba, September 2003.
Anatomía del nervio facial periférico. Presented at XXXIV Congreso Asociación Rioplatense de Anatomía. Buenos Aires, September 1997

Membership at medical societies:
Sociedad de Cirugía Plástica de Buenos Aires: Acceding member

Amanda Rosenfeldt

Founder. Manager

She is in charge of assisting patients with diverse aspects of the service that are not strictly medical or surgical, like the remote advising and exchange of information before the medical trip, the escorting and land transportation during the stay in Buenos Aires and the remote follow up of the recovery once the patients get back to their countries.

In 2001 she started to promote facial feminization surgery within the circles of Argentine plastic surgery, mostly conservative circles where this kind of surgeries were ignored and frowned upon. Since then she has not ceased to work on developing these practices and making them available to hundreds of people from her country and the whole world.
Since 2005 she has teamed up with different surgeons, with whom she collaborated in the development of new techniques and raised the quality of care to the highest standards. She was a “trans patient” herself for years and passed through many surgeries with analytic criteria, which gives her a unique understanding of each patient.
In T-Change she is in charge of assisting patients with diverse aspects of the service that are not strictly medical or surgical, like the remote advising and exchange of information before the medical trip, the escorting and land transportation during the stay in Buenos Aires and the remote follow up of the recovery once the patients get back to their countries.

Dra. Mariel Ivón Castellano

Oral surgeon. Dentist

Dentist. Degree from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 1999
Oral Surgeon
National license 26.909

Main postgraduate studies
2002 a 2004

Oral trauma and surgery, levels I,II,III. Hospital Interzonal de Agudos Eva Peron (ex Castex), depending on the Ministry of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires.

2004 y 2005
Oral Implantology, levels I and II. Hospital Interzonal de Agudos Eva Perón (ex Castex) de
Implantologia Oral Clínica Niveles I y II . Hospital Interzonal de Graves y Agudos Eva Perón (Ex Castex), dependent on the Ministry of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires.

Oral occlusion and rehabilitation with implant-assisted prosthesis. Asociación Odontológica Argentina.

Teeth whitenning inner/outer. Asociación Odontológica Argentina
Esthetics and whitenning. Asociación Odontológica Argentina
Fix prosthesis over implants. Asociación Odontológica Argentina

Superior course of auditing and management of health systhems. Hospital Militar Central.

Teaching activities
1998 a 2000

Ad-honorem student advisor at the schoolship of Operatoria II "B" at the School of Dentistry of the University of Córdoba.

2006 y 2007
Instructor at the Course of Clinic Oral Implantology at Hospital Interzonal de Agudos Eva Perón, dependent on the Ministry of Health of the province of Buenos Aires.

Professional background:
2007 to present

Office of her own: Oral surgery and implants. General dentistry.
OSDE (health insurance): Oral surgery and implants. General dentistry.
MEDIFE (health inssurance): Oral surgery and implants. General dentistry.

Año 2007-2011
CEMIC (Saavedra and Talcahuano offices): Oral surgery and implants. General dentistry.

Dra. Mónica Volcovinsky’s dental office: Oral surgery and implants. General dentistry.

Multident San Justo: Oral surgery and implants. General dentistry.

L’Altra Salud Morón: General dentistry.

Hospital Militar Campo de Mayo, Department of Dentistry, area of Operative Dentistry and Endodontics.

Año 1999:
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, School of Dentistry: Outpatient dental treatments, Schoolship of Operative Dentistry II
Centro Municipal de Salud María Teresa de Calcuta, City of Pilar, Córdoba: Pediatric dentistry

Main publications and presentations:
Distracción Alveolar reestableciendo estructura función y Estética, 2006.
Biomecánica aplicada a las fracturas mandibulares, 2003.

Membership at profesional associations:
Asociación Argentina de Odontología: Miembro activo
Sociedad Argentina de Cirugía Maxilofacial: Miembro activo

Awards and mentions:
Promedio más alto de la especialidad Odontología en el curso: Preparación del Servicio de Sanidad. Escuela de Oficiales "Teniente Coronel Fray Luis Beltrán. Julio 2000

Dr. Sergio Muñoz


Specialist in Anesthesiology
Degree from University of Buenos Aires. National license 90186. Provincial license 112059

Current professional activities
Hospital Militar Central: Coordinator of the Department of Anesthesia
Hospital de Torax Antonio A. Cetrángolo: Coordinator of the Department of Anesthesia
Sanatorio 24 de Septiembre, Avellaneda: Coordinator of the Department of Anesthesia

Membership to medical Associations
AARBA (Asociación de Anestesia , Analgesia y Reanimación de Buenos Aires): Active member.

Fernando Perazzo

Surgical scrub technician

Senior technician in surgical tools handling (Técnico superior en instrumentación quirúrgica)
Degree from Instituto de Estudio Superior Universitas, La Plata, province of Buenos Aires.
National license 9210. Provincial license 4337

Professional background:
2007 to present

Hospital Militar Central de Buenos Aires: Person in charge at the operating room of the department of General Surgery, afternoon shift.
Dr. Javier Rossi and Dr. Mariel Castellano’s private practice: patients coordinator.

2005/ 2006
Hospital Militar Central de Buenos Aires: Surgical scrub technician at the departments of Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Proctology, Urology and General Surgery.

Hospital Regional General San Martin, La Plata: Rotation at the department of General Surgery.

Hospital Regional Melchor Romero, La Plata: Rotation at the department of General Surgery.

Equipo de cirugía Plástica del Dr. Julio Luis Cianflone: Surgical practices

Hospital de Niños de La Plata: Rotation
Equipo de cirugía Plástica del Dr. Julio Luis Cianflone: Surgical practices

T-Change Surgeries to transition
Buenos Aires - Argentina